We Love Testing New Stuff... Check Out This Recent Test...
I Threw $200 On Traffic Just For Fun!
Here's What Happened...
( watch the video below! )
Hey, I want to show you the screenshot of a $200 test that I'm not even done with.
What you're looking at is $600 in recurring payments.
And it's really exciting.
Not including all the other stuff — all the other sales I'm getting, all the other fun things.
First of all, I'm Jeremy, yeah, I'm in my recliner.
Because who doesn't like to make money from your recliner in the living room, right?
So I like to lead by example. I teach exactly what I do.
In this case, that's what I'm doing here.
I spent $200 on traffic.
That number I didn't just pull out of my wazoo.
I thought about how I spend at least $6 a day on random stuff I don't need.
Maybe a coffee from a coffee shop, although I like my home coffee.
At least $6 a day I'm spending somewhere.
Some people have different habits, and that adds up to about $180-$200 a month.
So, I figured, why not spend it on traffic instead and see what happens?
I built something that I’ve never seen anyone set up this way before, and it’s working.
I’m super excited, and I wanted to show you that it's produced over $600 in forecasted recurring revenue.
The traffic test isn't even done yet!
I want to stress that I'm only spending $200 on traffic, and I'm already tripling my money.
That doesn’t even include the upsells. We’ve got more things in place.
We’re getting one-off sales, follow-up sales, and we’re getting opt-ins.
This is the opt-in conversion rate: people go to my page and opt in for a unique thing I’m doing.
I’ve never seen anybody else do it this way.
Trust me, I really don’t want to give you the secret, but I'm going to — it’s juicy!
It’s converting at 50% and 43% opt-in rate. Multiple tests within the $200 test!
I’ll show you how all that works, and this allows you to gather feedback.
This tells me that it’s actually working.
And nearly 90% of those opt-ins are also joining a Facebook group I built for a very unique reason.
I’ve never seen anybody else do this.
I’m not only getting tons of subscribers, but also Facebook group members, recurring sales, upsells, and follow-up sales.
And I haven’t even spent the whole $200 yet!
If you're buying $200 worth of traffic, you get a certain number of clicks.
50% of those people are opting in, and a good percentage are going for the recurring payments.
One of the tricks is we’re putting a $1 trial on the recurring offer.
People can get in today for $1, and then in a couple of days, it turns into a monthly subscription.
By the way, that was a juicy nugget!
The offer we give them is irresistible.
I’m going to show you all of that.
We’ve got other offers and order bumps in place.
The traffic source I’m using — you’ve probably never heard of it.
It’s invite-only. You can go to their public website, but you can’t use it unless someone gives you a link.
It’s only known by some of the top players in the game.
It’s not Facebook or any social media, and it’s the easiest traffic source I’ve ever used.
I’m not kidding. I’ve been in this game for over a decade, and this source is super high quality.
It’s getting me buyers, sales, recurring buyers.
And it’s so easy — you literally put in your link, set your budget, and choose how much you want to pay for clicks.
Then you press go, and the traffic starts rolling in.
Sometimes it comes in within hours, but it always comes within 24 hours.
It’s that easy, and it’s some of the highest quality traffic on the internet.
I'm talking Teir 1, HIGH QUALITY premium traffic & buyers.
It’s really a well-kept secret, honest to goodness, and when I show you, you’ll see.
You can’t even get in unless someone gives you an invite link, and I’ve got one for you.
It won’t cost you a penny, besides getting access to this case study.
You could have spent $200 on traffic, or you can see the $200 I already spent, the full setup, everything I did.
You can go and not copy exactly, but replicate it heavily and borrow my ideas and structure.
Have a good idea of what to potentially expect if you were to spend $200 on traffic from this source.
I’ve already done all the guesswork and testing for you.
The alternative is figuring out a squeeze page, offer, and traffic source on your own, but you’ll never find a source like this one.
Trust me, I’ve been looking for over a decade.
It was built by people like me who buy traffic and needed something like this.
It’s brand new, only around for about a year, and it’s exploding privately within the community because it’s so good.
The price of this case study alone is worth finding out what this traffic source is.
Just that alone is worth it to get the invite link.
I would pay $100 or more just for an invite, knowing what I know.
You don’t have to pay anything to sign up to the site. It’s a free sign-up, but you pay per click for your traffic.
That alone is worth the price to get in.
I know I’m rambling, but I really want to let you know how valuable this is, especially if you’re a beginner or don’t have much experience in paid traffic.
I’m going to walk you through how I track things, see what’s working, what’s not, how to fix it quickly, and how to scale it.
This is beyond a course — it’s a case study.
I’m showing you exactly what I did, not just how to do it.
You see everything, so you can implement it and have an expectation, instead of just throwing money at a wall and seeing what sticks.
The value is there, and I’ve got a “love it or it’s free” guarantee.
Look, 30 days. If you don’t love it, just send me an email: JeremyKennedyHelp@gmail.com.
Be fair to me, and I’ll be fair to you.
If you have any questions or think it’s hard, you can use the same email to reach out and ask for help.
I’m one of these guys that will actually respond and give advice.
I’m also throwing in bonus goodies — some stuff I’ve sold for over $997.
It’s a full breakdown of my six-figure-per-year online business, showing you how it works completely.
That’s a $997 value, and it’s going to be in there as a bonus.
Just as a bonus!! — you should get that.
What I reveal about my business could change your life.
The bonus alone could change your life if you go through and implement it.
This case study could do the same, setting you on the right path.
This is something you could literally set up today.
Get your traffic set up today, and potentially see sales within the next 24 to 48 hours.
That’s how fast this can work.
I did it — I built it in a day, started traffic, and sales came in quickly!
I was actually surprised at how fast the first sale came in.
It was within just tens of clicks, and it blew my mind.
That being said, this can work really fast for you if you implement it.
I love you, whether you get in or not.
But hit the button below, get in, and I’ll see you on the inside!
Don't throw $200 in the dark like I did... Remove all the guesswork!
See How I'm Turning Pennies Into Dollars, While Getting Subscribers, Sales & Recurring Like Clockwork!
(real testimonial & review!)

👇 actual unsolicited CUSTOMER feedback! 👇

👇 actual unsolicited CUSTOMER feedback! 👇

Your Friends In Business,

Jeremy Kennedy

Obinna Patrick
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EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and its potential. The examples used are exceptional results, and don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is no guarantee that you will get any results or earn any money. Testimonials are not typical of most results. Some individuals purchasing this course may get little or NO RESULTS or make little or NO MONEY AT ALL. These claims are not a guarantee of your income, nor are they typical of average participants. Individual results will vary greatly and in accordance to your input, determination, hard work, and ability to follow directions. No person or company can guarantee profits or freedom from loss. This is an educational video tutorial based on our opinions and experience meant for educational and entertainment purposes only.
Support: jeremykennedyhelp@gmail.com