How "Steel BigFoot" Got Over 800,000+ Views On
A Single Silly 15-Sec Reel With A BRAND NEW
8-Day-Old Account
& No Followers!
No Face, Fame or Followers Needed... SUPER Simple Loophole Even Grandma Can Pull Off in Seconds!
100% FREE To Do... No List, No Website, No Driving Traffic!
Yo... I gotta tell you about my friend Obinna Patrick (aka Steel Bigfoot)...
His results flat out BLEW ME AWAY!!!
He recently created a BRAND NEW, nothing on it at all Instagram account...
And he started cleverly (and ethically) RE-POSTING other people's stuff...
And he got nearly A MILLION views & growing with an account less than 8 days old!!!
And that's not all...
It didn't just work once, another Reel got over 72,000+ views & growing just days later!
He's been raking up THOUSANDS of views on his short 15-30 sec Reels ever since.
It only takes him around 60 seconds (seriously) to make & post each one.
And you don't even need your face or anything!
You're re-sharing already viral content in a unique way.
Let me be clear, it benefits them too, you aren't ripping anyone off...
But their viral content can get you stupid amounts of free views and traffic.
Seriously, this is ridiculous.
To be honest, it is just TOO easy...
This Is From A Brand New Test Account Less Than 8 Days Old And No Followers)...
(real screenshot from inside his account from scratch, everything revealed inside!)

Obinna got his results by following a simple legal loophole I found a while back.
We discovered a sorta mini-hack that seems to command 1k+ views per day.
Consistently. Over & over & over & over again.
The very first Reel I posted got over 1k views within 24 hours.
And like it only took me a few seconds to make & post each one.
I thought, ok this might be a fluke but let's do it again.
What do ya know, the next Reel took me a whopping 30 seconds...
And I woke up to another 1k views!
Three times a charm right??
Well, it worked the 3rd, the 4th, the 5th... again & again & again...
My Results From This Method, On A BRAND NEW Account With 2 Followers...
(real screenshot from inside a fresh account from scratch, everything revealed inside!)

I was flabbergasted...
Completely in amazement that it was working so well...
I thought I was doing great until I shared this with a few friends...
That's when ol' Bigfoot sent me this....

As you can imagine... MY JAW HIT THE FLOOR!
And it just kept growing!
After much noodle baking and brain usage, we finally figured it out.
I realized what we were doing that made the whole thing tick.
It's so dang simple but oh wow is it powerful.
The beautiful part is this can be done in literally any niche.
With or without your face or name or brand or anything.
You can be 1000% anonymous...
Or you can be the hero in the spotlight.
That choice is yours but what you can count on is this...
You'll have content people LOVE...
You won't have to create it yourself.
It can get you crazy free views from day 1 starting from absolutely nothing.
Thin air.
Whip up a new profile in a new niche in minutes and get tons of views within 24 hours.
There's a reason why it works.
Cause the content is already viral. Already proven.
And Instagram gives you the greenlight to leverage it yourself...
And then sends you a ton of free views cause you did!
You can use this to get traffic to anything you want.
Any niche.
Affiliate products? Yup!
Your own products? Yup!
Physical products? Yup!
Real Estate? Yup!
Car Mechanic? Yup!
It flat out just works.
After some thought, Obinna & I decided this is simply too good to keep to ourselves.
So he recorded a few videos showing you his results and how he did it.
I also did the same!
We even create one right in front of you so you know exactly how to do it yourself.
We don't care if you copy almost EXACTLY what we do, go for it!
And we're not going to charge you an arm & leg to discover this secret.
Honestly just want to help some folks out & hey if we can make a little too that's cool.
This is a great way for the average joe to start getting free views / traffic immediately.
Literally within a couple hours (we prove it with a live case study in front of you).
You do not need a following or name or expertise or budget.
This is 100% free to do.
You could have views in less than an hour from reading this sentence.
In less than 10 minutes actually.
Even less than that.
It's Not Just Us... Even Our Students Are Getting Immediate Results From Using Our Exact Method...
(REAL user testimonial... no fake results here!)

Get Started RIGHT NOW & Have Your First Reel Up In Literally Minutes!...
Your Friends in Business,

Jeremy Kennedy

Obinna Patrick
EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and its potential. The examples used are exceptional results, and don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is no guarantee that you will get any results or earn any money. Testimonials are not typical of most results. Some individuals purchasing this course may get little or NO RESULTS or make little or NO MONEY AT ALL. These claims are not a guarantee of your income, nor are they typical of average participants. Individual results will vary greatly and in accordance to your input, determination, hard work, and ability to follow directions. No person or company can guarantee profits or freedom from loss. This is an educational video tutorial based on our opinions and experience meant for educational and entertainment purposes only.
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