Get Instant Access to the
'$500 Pops' System...

Here's everything you'll get as '$500 Pops' member:

The Entire Done-For-You '$500 Pops' System

We’ve done 99.9% of the work. You get a completely DFY system including pre-written Google Docs offering OUR products & services where WE do all the work, WE deliver the products, and WE support the customers, you simply share free Google Docs and earn $500+ per sale!

Normal Price: $4,997

Full 12-Weeks of Recorded Highest-Level Training

We're including ALL of the training and resources from our highest-level coaching and mentorship training to take your business and life to the NEXT level. This is truly life changing content that previous students gladly paid thousands for.

Normal Price: $997

Giant Pile Of Traffic Training & Courses

We're including a long list of traffic training courses, videos and resources so you'll never run out of ways to get MORE people to your DFY $500 Pops system and Google Docs. You'll discover ways to get traffic you won't see anywhere else!

Normal Price: $495

Exclusive Access To Members’ Only Mastermind

One of the best parts of this package is doing it together with your peers all at the same time. We are active and help & support each other inside the members’ only community. I’ve had similar mastermind groups for $397-997/yr. You get a permanent membership to this community which means you can take advantage of the group, build your network (and get my direct support) for years to come. We even have a full marketplace built-in so you can also sell your other stuff, services, businesses, etc!

Normal Price: $397/yr

Our Private Facebook SPAM Group

We also run a private Facebook group with hundreds of hungry entrepreneurs (and growing daily)... The sole purpose of this group is for all the members to post your links, products, services, businesses and essentially SPAM each other freely! That’s right, spam the group to your heart’s content!
Normal Price: $97/yr

Proca$hinator Masterclass

Students paid $97 for this wall-busting, procrastination killing, productivity hyper-driving actionable masterclass. You’ve likely never seen my system for keeping track of life, family, relationships, health, wealth, business and personal goals. This masterclass will help you improve every category of your life, DAILY, with a very actionable written process that takes less than 15 mins a day.

Normal Price: $97

One-on-One Private Strategy Session

I really want to help you get a fast start so we are going to hop on Zoom, just you and me, so you can tell me what your current situation is and I can tell you what I think your best business strategy could be. I’ve done countless calls like this over the years for upwards of $197 and not once have I had someone leave without some key breakthroughs.

Normal Price: $197

My Personal Phone Number

Nobody does this! You’ll get direct access to me via my personal phone number to get answers & help on the spot (unless I’m asleep of course). I considered not adding this because I take my time very seriously but I also realize the extreme value and I want to truly overdeliver for you. Worth the entirety of this whole package combined, by itself. It does not get any better than having an expert at your fingertips like this.
Normal Price: $997/m