My Friend Bill's House Was Destroyed By Hurricane Fiona...
I Want to Help Him AND YOU At The Same Time!

This is my very good friend Bill Aslin...
For the past 10 days he's been sleeping in his truck which he lovingly named the "Ranger Motel".
Recently Hurricane Fiona came through and decided to give ol' Bill a quick and unexpected remodel of his home...
And NOT a good one!
Now I say this with a sense of humor because that's how Bill rolls.
He makes light of a tough situation.
But he really needs our help!!!
He lives in Nova Scotia, Canada.. right on the coast.
It's friggin cold up there, especially at night in a cramped little Ford Ranger Pickup!
I talk to Bill every single day.
He's recently been helping me with some very tough personal matters...
He just doesn't know how much those conversations have impacted me.
It's time to return the favor.
P.S. He doesn't even know I'm doing this... yet :-) it's a surprise!
So here's the deal...
YOU Get A Bunch Of My Best Products For Super Duper Cheap...
BILL Gets To Keep All The Money!
It's a WIN, WIN... Sound good?
So here's what you're gonna get:
Link-Share Secrets
Original Sales Page Link (DON'T Buy It There):
"Arkansas man makes over $19,425 per month (or more) with weird Internet 'Side-Hustle' you can start today for Free."
Affiliate Gold Rush
Original Sales Page Link (DON'T Buy It There):
"The #1 Most Powerful Secret I Used to Make Over $1,929.81 In Just the Last 24 Hours..."
FreeMail List
Original Sales Page Link (DON'T Buy It There):
"Discover A Brand New Secret Way to Build An Email List Without An Autoresponder or Website, 100% For Free!"
Email Blast-O-Matic
Original Sales Page Link (DON'T Buy It There):
"What if you could blast an email to 10's of THOUSANDS of internet marketers,
...right NOW, ...in the next 10 minutes? 100% for FREE??! Zero. Zilch. Zip. Nothing. Nadda.
What if you could do it again every single day for the foreseeable future?"
Overnight Commissions
Original Sales Page Link (DON'T Buy It There):
"Absolute Newbies Are Getting Sales Their Very First Day...
WITHOUT a Website, Posting on Social Media, Creating Any Videos, Creating Your Own Products, or Any Previous Experience!"
Solo Ad Arbitrage
Original Sales Page Link (DON'T Buy It There):
"What if I said complete newbies are banking $45-150 or MORE every day, starting from DAY ONE... WITHOUT a Website, List, or Having a Lick of Experience, 100% for FREE?!?"
Super Simple Sales System
Original Sales Page Link (DON'T Buy It There):
"An unbelievably simple way to get sales online. In fact, this could possibly be THE most simple sales system ever created and tested. This system is made in such a way that it is repeatable and able to be implemented by anyone who uses it.
Customers are getting sales from the very first day!"
Six Figure Memo
Original Sales Page Link (DON'T Buy It There):
"My real life case study & blueprint of how I make 6-figures per year with a very simple 3 step process anyone and their grandma can follow! (even my own mommy dearest!)"
BONUS #1 - Live Open-Mic Zoom Call w/ Me
We're going live on Zoom and have us a little "post-hurricane party". Open mic & video (optional) so we all get to hang out and talk about business, life and whatever you want! I promise it will not only be fun, but very insightful, you might even have a breakthrough that changes your life! You can ask me anything live on the call. Can't wait to talk to you!
BONUS #2 - My Private IM FaceBook Group
Join over 831+ online entrepreneurs currently in the trenches with you making stuff happen. There's some real "gurus" in here and of course, normal crazy folk like me & you. Some of my most profitable partnerships were founded in groups just like this.
BONUS #3 - Done-4-You BUYER Traffic
Plain & simple... Give me your link (to anything legal) and I will add it to the thank you page of this offer. Every buyer of this offer will see YOUR link! Just doesn't get much better than that. Easily worth more than the price of this entire offer!
Once this offer ends, I'll record a video of me sending the proceeds to Bill and post it on the Thank You Page for this offer.
Get World-Class 'Make Money Online" Training At A MEGA Discount...
...AND Help Out A Good Guy Who's Currently Sleeping In His Truck!
(but not for long with your help!)
You missed out!
There are no upsells, downsells, or 15-mile-long funnels. You get EVERYTHING here for one super low price! But only for a very limited time!
***NO REFUNDS - Because this is a package deal and all the proceeds are going to Bill, there is a strict no refund policy on this offer. Thank you for understanding***

Jeremy Kennedy
Every effort has been made to accurately represent this offer and its potential. The examples used are exceptional results, and don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money. Testimonials are not typical of most results. Some individuals purchasing this video course may make little or NO MONEY AT ALL. These claims are not a guarantee of your income, nor are they typical of average participants. Individual results will vary greatly and in accordance to your input, determination, hard work, and ability to follow directions. No person or company can guarantee profits or freedom from loss. This is an educational video tutorial based on our opinions and experience meant for educational and entertainment purposes only.
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