Newsletters Together...
Hey, I’m Jeremy Kennedy…
Over the past decade I’ve been making a substantial full-time living online sending emails.
We’re talking literally thousands per month, often $10-20k per month.
That’s more than most doctors, lawyers or corporate managers with expensive degrees.
They work their tail off in the grind for less than what we make sitting on the couch in our pajamas.
You ever heard the phrase “push button money”???
This is literally what they are talking about.
You push send and money flows into your account… It’s a beautiful thing.
Shockingly, 98% of the world's population have no stinking clue this is even a thing.
They have zero idea that they could send out an email and stick a couple grand in their pocket.
I’m not joking…
This is from a recent promo I did with like 3 emails I sent out in a 72-hour period…

I could flood your eyeballs with over a decade of these screenshots from every week.
And I don’t even send out daily emails, I’m just too lazy for that lol… let’s just be real :-)
It’s truly bonkers to have this kind of lifestyle.
The kind where you spend literally 30 mins or less on any given day, hit send…
Then spend the rest of your day doing whatever craziness you desire.
Not even sure how I fell into this way back in 2012 but I’m extremely thankful.
Here’s the thing…
For the past 11 years I’ve been sending out a certain kind of email…
Let’s call them “promo emails”...
That’s where I write a very short & sweet email about something for sale.
Usually someone else’s product I make commissions on from each sale through my affiliate link.
Now to do that, you kinda have to write a salesy email…
Basically a little blurb that gets them to click on the link of the product.
No sweat, easy enough, works great, people buy all day long…
But recently I found A BETTER WAY…
A way that allows you to earn MULTIPLE ways in the same email (not just one product)...
A way that makes it even EASIER to GROW your list…
A way that is EASIER for the average person with ZERO knowledge of your niche.
For example, I don’t know diddly SQUAT about Vegan Dieting…
But by golly I guarantee I could go start a newsletter today about Vegan Dieting and CRUSH it.
YOU could too.
Here’s the deal…
Instead of a “promo email” list, I’m now building “content newsletters”.
Here’s the difference…
In a “promo” email, you are focused on selling a specific product.
You talk it up and drop the link and there you have it.
Works great, makes money, but more challenging for those allergic to selling.
In a “content” newsletter, you aren’t selling ANYTHING…
Well you are, sorta, but in a completely different way.
WIth a content newsletter, your focus is to deliver “content” about your niche.
So for example if you made a Vegan Dieting newsletter…
Each week you’d send out an email with news, articles, tips, etc about Vegan Dieting.
Here’s the catch…
You don’t have to come up with the content or be an expert or know a dang thing about the niche…
It’s already done for you… Instead, we are simply CURATING content.
Here’s what it looks like:
You go to Google, ChatGPT, or a zillion other places I’ll show you...
And type in “Vegan Dieting Tips” “Vegan Dieting News” etc etc....
Google will spit out more articles / tips / news / videos / etc than you can possibly imagine.
You pick a couple of them and literally just copy / paste the link in your newsletter.
Or if you want, you can summarize them and then link to them.
Again, I’m lazy so I just pop in the links and go…
Then we sprinkle in our money links, among the other ways we are monetizing…
LIke people who pay us to stick their Ad in our newsletter (we add it in with one click)…
Or an affiliate offer you like…
Or maybe you have a subscription level for premium newsletter content…
Or any of the 6-7 other ways we monetize without selling.
TADAAAA, you’ve written your newsletter for the week.
Takes about 30 minutes from start to finish, if that.
And here comes my laziness again…
Lol, it almost doesn’t even feel right to know how easy it is.
Now, here’s the thing… People LOVE these newsletters.
It’s not hard to get thousands of subscribers very quickly.
You’ve probably seen ads and posts for various newsletters in your favorite niches.
I recommend subscribing to them and seeing what they do, that’s a world class education by itself.
And just to add, there’s another MEGA way to monetize these newsletters…
Newsletter owners are catching on to the trend that folks with deep pockets will BUY them outright.
They grow their list to a sizable amount and sell the whole thing for 6-7-8 figures.
For example, a crypto niche newsletter called the Milk Road grew to 250k subscribers in just 10 months…
And within that first 10 months, sold the newsletter for over 8 FIGURES!!!
That’s over $10,000,000+... (the exact amount was not disclosed).
And that’s just one tiny example out of many.
Now the really crazy part is if you look at what they did… ANYBODY could do the same.
I even found a full marketplace where newsletters like this are bought & sold for crazy money every day.
And it just so happens that content newsletters are exploding in growth, now more than ever.
Now by this point you might be thinking…
“Jeremy, I want in… how can I do this too??”
Well, that’s why I’m here talking to you today.
Because after creating my own content newsletter and seeing how brain-dead easy it is…
And how we are getting subscribers hand over fist daily…
And realizing how anyone & their grandma & even Uncle Joe who turns wrenches can do this…
Well, I flat out can’t keep this to myself.
I mean, there’s far too many niches and stuff for me to claim world domination…
And if I can help other people like you grow your own content newsletter…
Well that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
See I get emails from folks almost daily who are like…
“I’m retired or need to retire and need to replace my income and this whole IM thing is confusing as snot.”
Or the “I’m a single stay-at-home mom who needs to pay bills and a regular J.O.B. ain’t cutting it.”
Or even “I’m a 41 year-old-dad and need to provide better for my family and if it’s exciting even better.”
When you get pounded with those kinds of messages, it really moves your heart.
I don’t NEED to teach you this stuff… I WANT to.
And hey, let’s be honest, if I can make a few more bucks along the way too, that makes me happy 🙂
So here’s what I did…
A few weeks ago I put together a group and some live training and such called “Newsletters Together”...
As the name implies, it’s designed for us to all grow our newsletters, together.
Meaning I show you mine and I help you with yours. And we collaboratively help each other as a group.
I already have a few folks in the group and many have already created their own newsletters.
It’s truly exciting to watch everyone grow.
And each week we get on a live call, I share what I’ve been doing then take live Q & A.
Giving you real help on the spot.
And usually I pick a couple newsletters from the members and rip them to shreds with feedback.
And I don’t fluff you up and pat you on the back… I tell you how horrible it is and WHY and what to fix. 😂
After all, that’s what we actually NEED in order to improve.
I plan to continue running this program for quite some time.
I just love talking about this stuff and if people pay me to talk and teach about it EVEN BETTER!!
Now I’m not going to charge an arm and a leg…
After all, most people are trying to make money here, not spend it (you always gotta spend a little).
Oh… did I mention you don’t need a website or hosting and that the newsletter platform we use is FREE?!
Well, free to start, they gotta make their money too but it’s cheap…
And free till you reach a certain amount of subscribers.
So no worries, after you pay me to join Newsletters Together, there won’t be a ton of hidden stuff to buy.
No upsells from me. And you don’t need 100 other tools.
Just the one newsletter platform and maybe a domain name but that’s completely optional as well.
I noticed some of the big newsletters don’t even have their own domain 😂
They just use the newsletter platform, lol, cause it literally has everything you need.
OK, back to Newsletters Together…
I decided it would be easiest to provide you two different ways to join.
Since it’s an on-going, monthly program here are your two options:
#1 - You can pay me per month & cancel any time, suitable if you are broke.
#2 - You can pay for a whole year & get a sizable discount.
And with option #2 you might can even do payments with something like Paypal Credit, etc.
(btw, Papyal Credit and all that has nothing to do with me, that’s between you and Paypal)
But first, let’s detail exactly what you are getting here:
1. You’ll get access to my FB group where you can post questions & show off your newsletters.
2. You’ll get access to our weekly live calls (on Zoom) with the latest goodness and ask questions live.
3. You’ll also get access to the recordings for each call and all previous calls.
4. You’ll get direct access to me, not an assistant… ME… And I’m very helpful. I don’t ignore people.
5. You’ll probably get a bunch of other cool stuff as I think about it (like cross-promotions etc).
I’ll also help you pick a niche and all that if you need but my suggestion is this…
Your amount of expertise in the niche is completely irrelevant so just pick whatever you love 🙂
OK back to the price tag…
So like I said, two options: Monthly or One-Time payment.
You’ll see the price when you click on the link for either (cause they might change).
I’m going to start this out SUPER cheap just to get some more folks in and results…
But I’m gonna ask you to send me screenshots & stuff of your results and newsletter…
So that (in full transparency) I can get more people in the group later at a higher price.
Ok cool… here are the links:
We need to cover a few important things here…
All payments are NON-REFUNDABLE.
Now I realize you have to put some trust in me here but hear me out…
This is a digital product, with access to a group and live on-going training and support.
That’s not something you can ship back to me if you don’t like it.
Now, if you choose monthly you can definitely cancel at any-time for any reason and not be billed again.
So please, only join this program if you are comfortable with that.
And you’ll have to click a checkbox on the checkout page to agree to those terms.
There is no guarantee you will get any results or make any money at all.
Your results are purely based on your own efforts and actions.
I can show you how to fish but you’re the only one who determines if you catch any.
Also, it’s worth noting I’ve been making money from email since 2012, over a decade.
My results should not be a reflection of what you should expect to earn.
Most people don’t make that kinda money but that’s their fault for giving up or not doing what they need.
All that is to say… DO NOT hold me responsible if you don’t make a dime, that’s really on you.
What I show & teach you absolutely could help you make obnoxiously large sums of money…
But that’s only if you apply it, keep at it, and make the effort to put it all into action.
Hate to say all that but you know, the law requires it and stuff 🙂
Ok, back to the fun stuff…
Who’s this really for?
Well, if you have been kicking around this “make money online” thing for a while…
And you find yourself chasing rabbits, confused and unable to figure it all out…
If you’ve been struggling to make it all work or even understand how it works…
Or if you know the ropes, know HOW to do it but just need more help…
If you want an expert to personally help you…
If you want to be in a community of people trying to do the same, growing together…
If you want a lifestyle that you control, we’re talking TIME FREEDOM…
If you want to fire your boss like yesterday (please don’t before you start MAKING money)...
If you want to call your own hours, work when, where and how you want…
If you want to be involved in a niche you absolutely love (without being an expert)...
If you are young, old, black, white, tan, male, female, both, neither, or any other kind of human being…
This is probably for you.
Pretty much anyone on planet Earth with an internet connection and desire to do it CAN do it.
That said, who is this NOT for?
This is not for you if you have a negative mindset, if you complain & blame a lot, or if you don’t take action.
Now remember, I’m lazy so it doesn’t take MUCH action…
But you can’t expect to join & money fall from the sky, lol…
You gotta do the stuffs (but it’s EASY I promise).
As long as you have a positive, up-building attitude & a thirst to make it happen, you’re probably a good fit.
OK, back to the action taking part…
Now’s the time to choose between monthly or one-time payment…
And if you have more questions (please not a million LOL, but I’ll reply anyway 🙂)...
You can email me at
Here are the two links to join:
You’ll get instant access to everything.
I seriously appreciate your time & business.
See you on the inside!
Peace & Love,
Jeremy Kennedy