$45-150/day, Starting Today?
No list. No website.
Free & Easy To Do!

Welcome Entrepreneurs & Friends,
Jeremy Kennedy here...
If you've been grinding away trying to make something online & nothing to show for it, today could be one of the most important days of your life!
Solo Ad Arbitrage launched twice previously and was bought by over 1,480 and 2,025 happy customers... And won three awards 3 times across two different platforms...

The public has been BEGGING for an updated version... and it is HERE!!!
What if I said complete newbies are banking $45-150 or MORE every day, starting from DAY ONE...
WITHOUT a Website, List, or Having a Lick of Experience, 100% for FREE?!?
You've seen all the shiny hocus pocus products out there promising the world yet simply don't deliver...
Rest assured... Solo Ad Arbitrage WORKS,
And I'm actually going to explain the process and method behind it,
right here, right now....
I want to be 100% transparent so you know I'm not pulling the wool over your eyes.
Keep reading...
A solo ad is simply when a person (customer) pays someone else (list owner) to send out a solo email advertisement to the list owner's subscriber list which promotes the customer's product or service.
Solo ads are usually sold on a per click basis.
That means the customer pays the seller for a certain amount of clicks on the customer's link inside of the Solo Ad.
At this time, Solo Ads average from around .45-$2.00 per click.
For example... Let's pretend 'John' pays Chris to send out an email to Chris' list...
The Solo Ad promotes John’s squeeze page. John pays Chris .55 per click for 200 clicks on the link to his page for a total of $110.
Chris is making money simply by sending an email to his list.
And WITHOUT his subscribers having to buy anything!
Solo Ads in general are extremely hot and you can see why.
People are in constant need of traffic.
Solo Ads are one of the best forms of traffic out there because they provide an “on-demand” source of traffic that is relatively inexpensive and highly targeted.
People are flat out making a killing by selling solos to their list.
(I'll introduce you to one in just a moment...)
WARNING: Be Prepared For Your Heart To Start Beating FASTER!
What If You Could Benefit From The Cash Cow Of Solo Ads WITHOUT Having Your Own List At All?
To sell solo ads, you need an email list.
To make “good” money with solos, you need to be able to send a LOT of clicks (traffic) in a short period of time so you need a rather BIG list.
Do you actually even need a list at all?
I'm happy to declare... NO, you do not!
In Solo Ad Arbitrage we're going to show you a way to benefit from the cash cow of solo ads WITHOUT having your own email list.
You WON'T need the laundry list of expensive tools Solo Sellers have to invest in, stuff like:
How Is This Possible?
Click Brokering...
Very few people even know about, let alone utilize one of the most powerful types of businesses…
Being the middle man.
Think about Walmart, Amazon or just about any retailer. They don’t actually own the products they sell. They just facilitate the transaction between the buyer and the seller, and the store gets a cut.
You can apply this methodology to just about anything… including Solo Ads.
The basic premise is that you get solo traffic for cheap and sell it to someone else at a higher price, Trade $1 for $2...
WITHOUT using any of your own money!
So for example, you'll see people selling solo ads anywhere from .45-$2.00 a click all day long on a regular basis.
We'll show you where to get it for super cheap, even as low as .30-.35 per click for good solo traffic.
So essentially you get buyers that pay you .55-.60 per click for a solo.
In turn, you pay only .35 per click, for example, from places we show you.
You just scored a .25 per click profit.
Let's Do Some Quick Math...
Solo ads typically sell in packs anywhere from 100 to 1,000 clicks at a time or more. Those are the more common sizes but it’s not hard to find people buying bigger.
From the places I will show you, it’s very possible to sell 300-1000 clicks a day or a lot more.
So let’s say you sold a 300 click Solo Ad for .60 per click.
And let's say you paid .35 per click...
Your profit is .25 per click, multiplied by 300 clicks = $75 profit.
You just made an easy $75 for simply flipping clicks.
Let’s take it a bit further...
Let’s say you sold a 1,000 click solo ad (not hard to do at all).
With the same math you would make $250 profit from those 1k clicks.
If you charged .65 per click you'd make $300!
From just ONE sale to only ONE customer!
And they may come back and buy more again & again!
Starting to see the power here?
At this point I shouldn't have to convince you that there is some serious money to be made here. It's plain to see.
Now I'd like to show you exactly how to do it...
Solo Ad Arbitrage is a quick & easy to digest course with actionable steps that will get you up in running in just a couple hours from right now.
We've created it with the freshest newbie in mind. You will be floored at just how easy this is to do.

Jeremy Kennedy
Online Marketing Expert
The original creator of Solo Ad Arbitrage, Jeremy has served tens of thousands of entrepreneurs over the past decade helping ordinary people make extraordinary money online since 2012.

Veteran Solo Ad Seller
Four year veteran in the Solo Ad industry, Glenn Fedoruk shares his insights from inside the trenches. He knows his way around the field and keeps his solo ad business running hot. You'll be singing his praises as he discloses how he stuffs cash in his pockets daily by just selling clicks.
30 day Guarantee
It's Good Or It's FREE, Guaranteed!
If you buy Solo Ad Arbitrage and feel it wasn't worth every penny, send an email to jeremykennedyhelp@gmail.com within the first 30 days and I'll buy it right back from you with a full refund. All I ask is that you be honest and fair and I will treat you with the same respect in return.
We Truly Care About Your Success!

Jeremy Kennedy

Glenn Fedoruk
EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and its potential. The examples used are exceptional results, and don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money. The testimonials are from real customers & reviewers. Testimonials are not typical of most results. Some individuals purchasing this course may make little or NO MONEY AT ALL. These claims are not a guarantee of your income, nor are they typical of average participants. Individual results will vary greatly and in accordance to your input, determination, hard work, and ability to follow directions. No person or company can guarantee profits or freedom from loss. Purchasing this offer certifies you understand this disclaimer and hold seller unaccountable for any outcome derived from implementing this product's information.
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